Astrological gemstones and pendants, also known as navaratnas, have been revered in Vedic astrology for centuries. Each gemstone is associated with a specific planet and is believed to possess unique properties that can influence various aspects of one's life. When worn with the proper recommendations, these precious stones harness the cosmic energies and bring balance and harmony. The nine primary astrological gemstones are ruby (Sun), pearl (Moon), red coral (Mars), emerald (Mercury), yellow sapphire (Jupiter), diamond (Venus), blue sapphire (Saturn), hessonite or gomed (Rahu), and cat's eye or lahsuniya (Ketu). Wearing the appropriate gemstone can alleviate planetary positions' negative effects and enhance their positive influences.

Gemstones have long been revered for their metaphysical properties, believed to radiate unique energies that can influence the surrounding atmosphere. In the context of Vastu Shastra, gemstones are often prescribed to balance the five elements (Panchabhutas) and rectify any imbalances in the space.

At KPVASTU Consultants LLC, our expert astrologers meticulously analyze an individual's birth chart and recommend suitable gemstones based on their planetary positions and astrological calculations. We prioritize these precious gems' authentic and ethical sourcing, ensuring their purity and adherence to Vedic principles. Trust us to guide you on your journey towards harnessing the power of astrological gemstones.

Gemstone Ruling Planet Zodiac Sign
Ruby Sun Leo
Natural Pearl Moon Cancer
Red Coral Mars Aries, Scorpio
Blue Sapphire Saturn Capricorn, Aquarius
Emerald Mercury Gemini, Virgo
Yellow Sapphire Jupiter Sagittarius, Pisces
Diamond Venus Taurus, Libra